We’re screwed, and they’re screwing us
According to the U.N., the ultra-rich, with private jets and habits which areincompatible with life on earth, have to cut >90% of their emissions, in order for usto stop catastrophic global warming. This is the inequality at the root of the climatecrisis: We’re not “screwed”, they’re screwing us.
One private jet trip emits more CO2 than an entire family in their lifetime. This,when less than 1% of us would even think of flying private.
0,1% of people can’t destroy the living conditions for all of humanity. So who’sgoing to stop this crime?
Certainly not the government. In part because they’re busy flying private, but alsobecause the ultra-rich absolutely rule over them.
There are no super-heroes. History doesn’t change without people making itchange.We’re the people who shut down million-euro contracts to drill the country forfossil gas.We’re the people who tore off eucalyptus tress with our own hands, and stoppedthe forest fires in our mountain ranges.We’re the normal people who put life on earth above outrageous luxury.
And we are the people who, this February, along with thousands from all overEurope, will make flying in private jets impossible, through our own hands.
We must abolish private jets now!
If you want to join this fight, talk to us, and have tomorrow be different from today, fill out the form below.
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